Savvy Print Solutions – your Print, Packaging and Display Specialists.
Need expert input on your next print, packaging or display project? Give us a call and we’ll give it the SAVVY touch.
Savvy Print Solutions brings you the know-how and trusted manufacturing partners – both local and global – to carry out the most challenging vision.
To compliment our US capabilities, we’ve expanded our services to include direct relationships with factories in China, with a design office in the Bay Area. That means you get VIP-access to a huge array of high-tech capabilities. Ask us about affordable solutions for your most intricate and labor-intensive premium packaging and printing.
Helping you produce a sophisticated and awe-inspiring product is only half of our mission. The other element of a SAVVY project is efficiency. Drawing on our years of production and project management experience, we help you lower costs, prevent waste and meet your deadlines.
We take great pride in making sure you enjoy the process, as well as the results. SAVVY handles the details, from concept to completion, so you don’t have to.
Visit our site and check out our projects at